Brain based bodywork for horselovers.


Leave survival mode and become who you really want to be on horseback – in your body, mindset and emotions. 

Your body is your compass.

No matter what your story is and how it has influenced your life and riding up to this point, you can start leaving it behind TODAY. Step by step, at your own pace, and in a way that feels right for you!

Do you want to get back...
🍀 to feeling
🍀 to joy
🍀 and lightness

for yourself and your horse?
Then start where the origin of your blockages lies - in your nervous system.
Make your nervous system your friend!
I'll show you how and accompany you on this journey. ❤️

I'm all about real change and love tackling the root cause! Just making things look pretty for the moment isn't my style.
My courses and guidance are:
💡 Thoughtful, modern, and creative!
🎯 Clear and honest!
💛 Warm and empathetic!

In everything I do, I take the neuro-centric perspective for you!
Because if something was 'too much' for your nervous system in the past, it protects you...
❌ by limiting your flexibility,
❌ slowing you down,
❌ creating pain,
❌ distracting you (fatigue, hunger, emotions, etc.),
❌ and disconnecting you from your feelings.

This has a tremendous impact on your (rider's) life in the here and now! Your nervous system is the key, and that's why I focus right there!


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